Knights DRACULA Order [K.D.O.]

Become members of the Knights of Dracula citizens of any nationality, criminal record and not, respecting the rules of the Order, the country of origin and the country's Order, human rights and fundamental freedoms, the rights of planet Earth.

Order of the Knights of Dracula wants to attract to its ranks all those who wish to become members and follow its rules.

Order gives the status of members, supporters or sympathizers, and members of the order - for outstanding achievements in the Order - can become Knights, Chamberlain, Chancellor, Commander and Grand Commander.

There will also be available in the Court Order and titles of nobility of Dracula: Dracula Marquis, Baron of Dracula, Dracula Duke, Count Dracula, Pair of Dracula, Prince of Dracula.

Order will establish branches in all countries in which the number will exceed 1000 members.

Nowadays, Draculas Knights is seeking an individual initiative / initiated in all countries for the establishment of subsidiaries of the Order.

Contact address of the Knights Order DRACULA [K.D.O.] is: